What Does December Mean To You? December is always a slightly strange month for me these days….it’s my birthday on Christmas Eve (a significant milestone this year too!). Christmas Day follows with all the celebrations and festivities, lots of laughter and relaxation time…..yet it is also a reminder to me of how beautifully fragile our lives can be and how important it is to give ourselves support, love and time so that we might flourish and grow and not become stagnant or unwell. This time 9 years ago my life was about to change forever, little did I know that the immediate fear and pain would eventually be replaced with a fresh new way of looking on life and a wonderful world of education and self development would begin too. How Life Can Change In A Heartbeat I was diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) and after several investigations the diagnosis worsened and I was told I had Breast Cancer. I was a Mum of two gorgeous young children so was incredibly lucky that I had lots to live for. Through a year of turmoil I gained amazing support and strength from my incredibly wonderful family and friends, those people know who they are and I hope also know that what they did for me in those worrying times meant the world to me. Chance Meetings Can Create New Beginnings A chance meeting on a hospital ward after major surgery changed my life and I don’t even know the name of the lady who gave me the most important piece of advice I had received for a long time. I often think of her. She suggested I buy a Paul McKenna book “Change Your Life In 7 Days” a grand title indeed! It had a chapter on health that she thought I would find beneficial. I bought the book read the chapter and waited for the change. A month later I was told I would have to complete a course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy... I kind of fell apart for a bit then… my family caught me, loved me and held me through the worst of times. It was at this point that I started to listen to the Hypnosis CD that came with the book... that was all… I just listened once a day and well, what happened next was incredible! My overtly negative feelings turned around to become fiercely positive, my weakness became strength, as I felt ready for what was ahead. It was a tough year on me and those that loved me but I got through it and after reading the book from cover to cover vowed to train in NLP the following year. I did that training, followed with training in TFT and the following year training in Hypnotherapy too. I changed my direction, my career, my life, for the better. My life hadn’t changed… I had… it was me and the way I looked at the world through clearer more positive eyes. I have met some amazing people along the way, some only briefly others for longer but they have all contributed to my personal and emotional growth. Learning To Dance In The Rain I have been able to share my knowledge with all my clients helping them to build better happier lives too. I love my job and enjoy meeting so many new people that all have gifts to share. Life still throws me curve balls occasionally, I still have upsets and difficulties but the difference is I support myself, I sooth myself as I am more self assured and self reliant, this results in all the support and love that I get from my lovely family and friends being an added extra, I feel lucky in life, I feel grateful for what I have. I see life in a positive perspective. Setting Goals & Finding A Spring In Your Step
This time of year is such a good time to reflect on your journey so far, picking out the highlights and recognising that they may not always come from positive events, that silver lining is always there if you look hard enough. So whatever is happening in your life this Christmas, keep thinking positive, keep supporting yourself, knowing you are strong, powerful and magnificent. As you look ahead to 2015 do so through positive eyes, write down some goals and keep focused on them checking in with yourself throughout the year, trust in your own innate strength and sense of survival. We are all capable of so much more than we think J Best wishes, Julie@Time2Shine x Stress & AnxietyWhen we suffer anxiety or worried thoughts we are either thinking about something upsetting from the past or projecting forward to something we don't want to happen in the future. Our brains, as amazingly powerful as they are....and they really are.....cannot tell the difference between something that is happening to us right now and something we are imagining is happening to us. When we have worried or anxious thoughts we have a subconscious automatic physiological reaction in our body affecting our chemical makeup, producing the stress hormones, adrenalin and cortisol, that create that uncomfortable anxious feeling. If we are able to switch our thought process to a positive and confident thought (even if we are pretending/imagining) we are able to produce the feel good chemicals in our body, endorphins and serotonin, which in turn create the very comforting confident feeling. In short we go from a "can't do" attitude where we over estimate any perceived danger we are in and under estimate our ability to deal with that danger, to a "can do" attitude where we naturally reduce our perception of danger and increase our ability to deal with it too! The only thing that has changed about the situation we find ourselves in is our attitude. Top 5 Tips to Reduce Stress and Increase Ease
Best wishes, Julie@Time2Shine We are all unique beings and what makes up our beliefs, behaviours and morals has been created by the pathways we have trodden in our lives so far. Some pathways we choose and some are chosen for us. Sometimes we might make choices that lead us in a direction that is not healthy for us and sometimes life will throw us a curve ball that presents us with challenges. Other times we choose well and are rewarded with much success and happiness. Every pathway we take affects our outlook and we bring our own unique perception to it. Two people could take the same pathway, such as a marriage or relationship but bring a very different perception to it depending on their experiences in life so far, and therefore although treading in the same direction they may experience different outcomes. This is how some relationships break down and other times life long love and partnerships are formed. In our busy lives we sometimes forget to look ahead to where we are going and blindly follow paths without much thought, simply following the crowd. It is important, however, to stop and look up occasionally to see exactly where we are going, to form a map in our minds of the pathways we want to take; thinking about what excites us, what gives us joy and what we feel passionate about. By creating a map we give ourselves a direction, a purpose, we know where we want to go and we start to plan how we will get there. When it all clicks into place suddenly that maze of pathways with dead ends and locked gates open up to us with clear sign posts and recognisable landmarks, comfortable places to stop enroute to reflect, renew and refresh and life begins to feel good, life is positive! Now, not everyone likes to have a map, some people are born ramblers and if that is you, carry on as you are ensuring you have enough resources with you on your eclectic journey through life, but if you find you are lacking direction and happiness in your life, break out the ordinance survey map and be creative with your route! Enjoy your adventure! Welcome to our new website, take a leisurely look around!Hello there, I am Julie Taylor Hypnotherapy/NLP/TFT Practitioner at Time2Shine Hypnotherapy. I am very excited to be launching my new website and I hope you enjoy looking through the pages. If any of the information strikes a chord with you and you would like to let go of the past and any unwanted behaviours and beliefs I would be delighted to offer you a free telephone consultation where we can talk about the best way to start you on your pathway back to a happy and fulfilling life. I am passionate about bringing my therapies to the widest audience possible to let people know they are not alone and change can be easier than you may think. So if you know anyone who may benefit please remember to share my website address with them. I intend to get blogging soon, so please do check back often. Lovely chatting with you today! |
AuthorJulie is passionate about bringing Hypnotherapy, NLP and TFT to a wider audience to help with everyday stresses of 21st century living. Archives
December 2014