Integral Eye Movement Therapy
Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) is a developing area of rapid change work that can help us reduce or eliminate emotional overwhelm around certain traumatic memories and events from our past. In doing so it is possible to create a new emotional stability to our lives that in turn creates a new sense of self belief and confidence as we continue on life's pathway unburdened from past experiences.
Integral Eye Movement Therapy was developed by Andrew T. Austin based on the original work by Connirae and Steve Andreas and has been taught internationally in the USA, Israel, England, Sweden, Netherlands, Poland and India and advanced IEMT has adopted some of the key areas of research by Dutch social psychologist, Lucas Derks and psychotherapist, David Grove. It is a developing model that is providing relief from pain, grief and overwhelm from past events quickly and safely. Your therapist can work content free which for those that are unwilling or unable to talk about the past is a welcome aspect. Your therapist will work with you asking you to access the problem thinking and by using a unique bespoke set of eye movements will allow the brain to alter it's processing. When locked in trauma memory we naturally think from the reactive area of the brain known as the amygdala. Whilst working within a treatment processing moves to a more resourceful area of the brain that allows healing, resolution and a new understanding of the past event allowing each individual to move forward in a more positive and optimistic mindset. Relief from emotional overload can be quick and powerful and can seem a little confusing to the conscious part of our minds. Thinking and behaviour changes often strengthen over 24 hours following a session. |
IEMT can help with; past trauma, post traumatic stress disorder, phobia, identity issues and much more.
IEMT can be even more effective when used in combination with Hypnotherapy and NLP and will often be offered within an integral approach. IEMT techniques are simple, effective and can bring great relief and long lasting positive change. Although working with a certified therapist within a therapeutic relationship is the best way to use IEMT some of the concepts and identity understandings you will learn from sessions can be added to your "Toolbox for Life"! |
Take Action Today! Call or Text - Julie@Time2Shine - 07843434614